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PSYC100 Research Requirement : PSYC100 Research Participation Requirement


COVID-19 Update

The Research Requirement Office has issued a message regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. Please see the front page of the RPR document.

Research Participation Requirement

All students in PSYCH100 should sign-up on the online participation sign-up system (Sona) to manage RPR credits.Every student enrolled in General Psychology (PSYC100) must acquire detailed experience in psychological research studies. This requirement is called Research Participation Requirement (RPR) and managed by the Research Requirement Office.

The requirement is outlined in the RPR Document.

If you have questions about the Research Requirement, please contact the Research Requirement team at [email protected]. In every email, be sure to use your UD email ( and include the following information. Messages that do not contain this information will not be answered.

1. Your full name

2. Your PSYC 100 Section Number

3. Your PSYC 100 Professor’s Name

Research Participation Requirement Video

Research Requirement Video Still