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PBS Labs : psychological and brain sciences labs



Griffin Lab – Investigating the neural circuitry underlying spatial working memory. (Amy Griffin)

Klintsova Lab – Evaluating the plasticity of the nervous system on behavioral and cellular levels (Anna Klintsova)

Schwarz Lab – Examining how immune activation influences the brain and behavior throughout the lifespan. (Jaclyn Schwarz)

Knox Neurobiology Lab – Elucidating neurobiological mechanisms of emotional learning and memory. (Dayan Knox)

Neunuebel Neuroscience Lab – Exploring the interplay between vocalizations, neural coding, and social interactions. (Joshua Neunuebel)

Roth Lab – Utilizing behavioral epigenetics to advance understanding of the biological root cause of behavioral outcomes associated with adversity experienced early in life. (Tania Roth)

Birth and Endocrine Signaling Lab – Studying the neuroendocrine regulation of social behavior with a focus on reproduction and development. (Will Kenkel)


Center for Training, Evaluation and Community Collaboration – An innovative program established at the University of Delaware to advance clinical science in academic, public, and community settings. (Ryan Beveridge) (Timothy Fowles)

Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) – An evidence-based parenting intervention for caregivers of infants and toddlers who have experienced early adversity. (Mary Dozier)

Peer Relations Lab – Researching children’s peer relations and aggressive behavior including the implementation and evaluation of a bullying prevention program in Delaware schools. (Julie Hubbard)

Personality and Dysregulation Lab – Researching risky, impulsive, and self-destructive behavior, with a special emphasis on elucidating how personality factors and individual response to stress contributes to harmful behaviors. (Naomi Sadeh)

Connectomics of Anxiety and Depression Lab – Seeking to identify neuromaturational changes that give rise to the increased risk for psychopathology observed in adolescence. (Jeffrey Spielberg)


Visual Cognition Lab – Researching the brain mechanisms of visual attention, the nature of attentional limits, and how attention might be improved. (James E. Hoffman)

Spatial Cognition Lab – Understanding mental scene construction, with special emphasis on the revelatory value of memory errors and spatial distortions. (Helene Intraub)

Schneider Lab – Researching the link between the architecture of the human sensory systems and the functions of reading, perception and attention. Also studying fundamental theories of attention, perception and temporal processing. (Keith Schneider)

Perception and Learning Lab – Exploring human cognition with behavioral and neuroimaging studies. (Timothy Vickery)


Close Relationships and Health Lab – Studying interpersonal relationships and their impact on endocrine and immune function, as well as implications to long-term health. (Lisa Jaremka)

Impression Formation Social Neuroscience Lab (IFSN) – Investigating impression formation and social decision-making through the lenses of social cognition and social neuroscience. (Jasmin Cloutier) (Jennifer Kubota)

Social Cognitive Emotive Neuroscience Lab – Understanding social, cognitive, and neural processes of emotions by examining these processes through the use of behavioral, personality, and neurophysiological measures. (Philip A. Gable)

Mende-Siedlecki Lab – Employing a multi-level approach to uncover the social, cognitive and neural mechanisms that underlie how we dynamically perceive, evaluate, and understand other people. (Peter Mende-Siedlecki)
