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Nature and Goals of the program ***3***


This apprenticeship program is designed to rapidly engage new students in research. Students begin conducting research their first semester. The number of required courses/seminars is minimal allowing the student in consultation with his/her advisor to select whatever additional courses would be most valuable to that student’s research interests. For breadth in the field, our students attend a weekly Cognitive Area Seminar at which faculty and graduate students present their research and discuss current topics in the field. Throughout the year students can choose among a number of colloquia offered by the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. In addition, during their first two years, students’ readings are drawn from a variety of areas (courses, cognitive area seminar, independent reading) that will help them to prepare for the Qualifying exam.

Please note that detailed information about general UD Ph.D. requirements and milestones are available on the UD Graduate and Professional Education Website.
