Before Registering for Courses

- Before each registration period, you will see an “appointment time” in UDSIS that indicates the earliest time that you can begin to enroll in classes. You can find this under the “Courses & Enrollment” tile (example to the right) under the “Enrollment Dates” menu item.
- The Registrar’s Office assigns the appointment times based on the number of earned credit hours you earned (e.g., seniors will have priority registration over sophomores) and CANNOT be changed.
- Use Courses Search to see if there are open seats in the classes you want. If a class is open, and you have met the prerequisites, then you can enroll yourself into the course.
- If a course you want has a prerequisite in which you are currently enrolled at UD, then the system will let you register for the course. For example, you want to take PSYC207 but you are currently enrolled in PSYC100. The system recognizes the PSYC100 as being in progress and will allow you to register for PSYC207. However, if after grades are posted, you do not have a C- or better in PSYC100 (all major courses have a minimum grade of C-), then the Registrar’s Office will drop you from PSYC207.
- For more information, explore the Registrar’s website regarding course registration.
Course Registration
- You will be able to add or drop courses on your own through UDSIS from your appointment time through to the free Add-Drop deadline (usually after the first two weeks of the semester). You can always check the Academic Calendar for exact dates of all deadlines.
- If a class has open seats, but you have trouble adding it even though you have met all of the prerequisites, please contact the Advising Office at [email protected]. Please be patient and include the following information in your email or you may not get a timely response:
- Your name
- Your UD ID #
- The number and section number of the class you need (e.g., PSYC340-010)
- The reason you need to be manually added to the course
- Your appointment time (they can only help if your registration window is already open)